Sebelum terlupa, sebelum terlewat: Selamat Berpuasa di Bulan Ramadhan Tahun ni kpd pembaca muslimin muslimah ^^
Al-Ankabut (29:2): adakah mereka merasakan mereka telah beriman sedangkan mereka belum di uji?
When faith is put at test.
Sesungguhnya Allah bersama org yg bersabar tika di uji.
Sebab, hidup tak slalu lawa, tak slalu ade pelangi. . .
Kadang kadang calamity dtg & kita akn rase mcm kena gelek trektar je. . .
Rase dah penyek tak bole nk bangun dah. yelah, dah kena gelek...tak ke penyek atas jln tar tu.?
Tp mcmne pun yg jd....Kita tetap kne igt pesan Dia; Allah takkan bebankan hamba-Nya dgn dugaan yg tak mampu kita tanggung. rightio ?
And kita takbole lah mintak.."cepat lah aku mati" OR "bia aku mati sekarang settle masalah" OR etc.
yet kita sepatotnye doa mintak dilapangkan & d permudahkan urusan.
Allah sentiasa bersama kita. Allah tu dekat. No doubt.
No matter what, no matter when, no matter when it doesnt at all make sense,DO NOT LEAVE our LOVE LETTER'S COMPILATION
(i.e the holy Quran) bcoz it is the last thread to sanity even if everything else failed.
My life about;
Reality hurts, truth bites, living kills, today tortures but i think im quite smart(perasan :P) enough to live life the way i want it,
Though others never stop to try screw me, i sure prove them wrong.
Friends, can be a good psychologist but sometimes I doubt it vice versa.ohh y on earth i've said that?
The people who know u have more ammunitions against u dan ini lah yg menakutkan aku d zaman techo ni.
Trust nobody. Soooo true.
But dont waste our time hate the others.
To hate others is ugly.
To hate ourself is uglier.
Please take note !
AKU SUKA ATAU TAK SESEORG TU AKU TETAP AKAN CUBA LAYAN SAMA RATA JE SEBENARNYE. Bia org tak perasan tu sbb aku bukan nk show off something pun.
IF ADE ANTARA MEREKA YG RASA AKU TAK SPT YG DI NYATAKAN, IM TERRIBLY SORRY SBB AKU BUKAN MALAIKAT. There is no way i can be adil in anyway. And dont be a judgemental person.
why i choose to be in nursing line ey?
Minat. May be. Takdir. Pun May be. Mcm yg aku taip kat ats tu....
hidup tak slalu lawa....tak slalu ade pelangi.
Sometime mmg aku tanye balik kat diri ni..."kau rase benda yg kau buat ni btul ke ?"
Sometime aku rsa mcm heaven gilak bila client wish thanks when i contributed something to him/her.
Masa tu mmg rsa btul dah line aku ni.
Tambah bila dapat ayat "we proud of nurses who dare to do things that bukan calang2 org nk buat.
Bukan calang2 org bole buat. Keja missi ni bukan senang. Nampak senang tp tak. Mmg Allah tu Maha Berkuasa Maha Mengetahui, Maha Bijaksana sbb choosed persons to do this noble job.
He knows better.
We, humans dont. "
dan entah berapa org yg dah ckp mcmtu. Alhamdulillah
Tapi bila kita kena marah. Kena tego dgn big boss. Mmg rase down. Mcm yg aku taip kat atas tu jugak. Mcm kena gelek dgn trektar atas jln tarr.
tapi yelah kan, JGN cari peluang utk nk hate others. Its ugly. Lagipun y not aku try je bersabar. Allah suka tak? Aku pun tgh try ...... :)
and mmg sungguhlah ape yg Allah dah sebut dalam al-Baqarah
ayat 216; " Boleh jd kamu mbenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu,
dan boleh jd (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. "
Tu baru part pressure of work.
Life. tkde pressure bukan life
Ni lah hidup aku yg tak sape pun yg akan rase same mcm yg aku rase sbb mereka tak laluinye.
Jangan nk coolio sgt lah mulut tu je kata "AKU FAHAM KEADAAN KAU" but the truth lying.
Again, things r easier to be said than to be done.
tc :)